Author: Torrilin
Pairings: Buffy/Riley (Willow/Tara, Xander/Anya)
Rating: PG-13
Length: ~1300 words
Timeline: S4, Where The Wild Things Are, with a twist AU during the episode
Warnings: Canon typical violence and gore, Buffy and Riley romance, script format
Notes: This was supposed to be a comic, and I have chunks of the art done, so it may yet become a comic. The script grew, so we may yet get somewhere. The Spike/Buffy is mostly friendship not romance-y, given where I'm going off canon. And this is unbetad. Please tell me if you catch errors or are confused.
Part 1
And I know Xander and Willow can't read either.
-- He pulls books off shelves and rapidly hands them off to designated pack mules --
Anya, try this one. Tara, this one is in Latin. Spike, take this one.
-- He walks over to the table and sets down some more books --
Dictionaries and the leftover book. Willow, how are you coming with online research?
-- He takes a spot at the table --
It wasn't always a frat house. It was an orphanage, but it closed down in the 1980s.
Were there any deaths?
Not that I've found yet. The property tax records are confusing, and I can't work out whether the University owns it now or the frat does. And I'm not sure which national organization the frat is affiliated with. It's all murky. The best I found was this newspaper article last year about the anniversary of the closing.
That's weird, orphanages tend to have lots of deaths.
Yeah, but it's hard to link death certificates to an institution if it's not a hospital. C'mere.
-- she gestures for Anya to come sit by her --
WILLOW (con't)
See, this is Dr. Gregory's death certificate. Since I was on campus at the high school when they found his body, I know he died there. But --
It's not on the death certificate. It's all about how he died. I see. So you're looking for deaths elsewhere.
Yes. Then I can find the death certificates if they were examined by the county coroner's office. And most deaths in La Purisma County do get examined by the coroner.
What about the unrecorded deaths?
There are a lot less than you'd think. I mean, our animal attack stat is through the roof, but most vamps take a few days to rise, so their deaths get recorded. The first one anyway. Giles, do you keep stats on the graves Buffy clears?
Not in detail. And you're all off track. We're concerned with ghosts, not vampires.
Later. The table is a mess. There's two donut boxes, Spike and Tara are both scribbling away in notebooks, Willow is glaring from book to laptop and back. Giles makes tea in the kitchen and Anya is redoing the cold compress on her injured hand.
Xander bursts in through the FRONT DOOR
Anya, here are your photocopies. You're in luck, the library was open late.
Good, the Greek in this book is hard to read printed so tiny.
Some of us are working anyway.
And you have both hands to work with and vampiric vision. I'm only human now. And the stupid plant got my right hand or I'd be translating like you and Tara are.
I'll share some of my blood if it'll help.
Eew, a big no to that!
ANYA bops him with her free hand.
Xander, that was very rude. Most vampires wouldn't share blood at all. Spike, that's very kind, but human now.
-- she beams at him --
Penates... Spike, Anya, do either of your books have bits about gods of specific places? Like a house or a particular family farm?
Daimones perhaps?
TARA looks confused. SPIKE grins and taps his notes.
That's why I grabbed the pen. Wanted a better translation than I could do off a straight reading. This has lots about how to tell daimones from keres from theoi from angelos and lots about how to talk properly to them. Not a bit about ghosts I don't think.
Mine doesn't seem to have ghosts either. Lots of prayers or spells, I'm not sure which. And it's never a good idea to pray a spell or try to cast a prayer by accident. On purpose maybe. But accident? No way.
Yeah, there's this long section in here about invoking the genii, lares and penates. I can't tell if it's a prayer or a spell. But the angry parts sorta fit what happened.
The hungry plants?
Some maybe. Mostly what got my attention was a section on how to work out if it's slaves breaking your cooking pots or the penates.
Is there anything about really... Happy... Walls in there?
Happy? In what way?
Y'know, happy. Blissful.
Oh, the orgasm wall.
-- Giles looks like he's swallowed a live cockroach rather than freshly made tea --
Orgasm wall?
For a God of Acoustic Rock, you're kind of naïve.
Or just pretending that young'uns haven't invented sex. Helps avoid the impure thoughts or so I'm told. Not sure why he bothers with you lot around tho.
--Spike leers halfheartedly and goes back to scribbling --
ANYWAY. The broken pots bit reminded me of the exploding bottle. And I want someone to double check me on the directions. A lot of the words are short and have weird endings. Or maybe they're abbreviations?
-- She shoves a couple sheets of paper towards the center of the table and Giles grabs them --
Later. Giles has organized a clean up. Willow is typing up someone's notes with Tara next to her. Xander is putting away books. No more pastry boxes and plates, but the mugs are breeding. Spike is sprawled in a chair massaging his hand, Anya is laying on the floor reading another set of notes.
I'm fairly sure these rituals shouldn't go with Tara's divination. The ancient Greeks had some pretty weird ceremonies and I can't work out if this one is a ceremony or a frieze design or maybe a weaving discussion.
Should Willow type it up?
I think so.
I'm not translating it again if you lose my notes. Hand still hurts. Need to punch something.
If you want to go punch Lowell House again, be my guest.
I'm sure that won't be necessary. Anya, can you assemble an ingredients list for the divination?
Already done I think. I'd like an extra check besides Tara. And I want to make sure we have substitution options planned since we're not in ancient Rome and I'm way younger than this spell.
Gimme the notes. Can't hurt if Xander and I know what you're trying.
Where's the ingredients list?
Still typing Spike.
-- Spike wanders over and perches so he can read over Willow's shoulder as she types --
I have the list I think.
-- he fumbles with a pile of paper. Giles takes the paper Xander hands him, tries to read it and makes a face. --
Xander, I can barely read this. How many times have we had the discussion about bad handwriting and apocalypses?
I know, but I was hurrying!
Please don't. It's like sex, if you rush you miss all the good bits.
Anya, I can't imagine there being good bits in an apocalypse. Also, I can't imagine YOU advocating standing around enjoying it.
Always good to enjoy your work.
Not a point of view I expected from either of you, but not wrong.
I think we have the wine, honey, and bread on hand. And it looks like all the herbs are ones I keep for cooking.
What about the olive oil?
I have that.
Seemed a bit exotic to me.
Erm, yes, well... I can cook.
Should we just do the spell here?
Probably less interruptions than at the house. And I think I"m clear on what the signs for going in are.
And it's not quite midnight yet, so timing shouldn't be an issue.
-- XANDER roots through GILES' weapons chest and pulls out two axes in sheathes, then heads for the door --
Then vampire and construction guy to the rescue. OH GOD THAT SOUNDS WRONG!
-- Willow looks up from her furious typing --
Shoo, we can't set up the ritual circle and have you guys break it.
-- SPIKE and XANDER exit, axes at the ready --